Most buyers and sellers have no idea what title insurance covers and what to watch for in a preliminary title insurance. Amerititle has a great site to explain Title services and insurance. Below is what it covers, but do check out their site and see what other items you should be aware of. False […]
Escrow and a Few Reasons Why it is Important
In Oregon you do not have to use an escrow and title company to purchase or sell a property. However, most agents will not work on a file without it going through an escrow and title company. Many buyers and sellers are not aware that title and escrow are two entirely different things. Escrow does […]
Helping YOU Buy a Bank Owned Property
Many people have the misconception that people do not buy homes in Central Oregon in the winter time. January sales have always shown that to be a misunderstanding. This year it should be proven again to be wrong, Buyers This is a Perfect Time to Buy your Central Oregon Home. Many of the homes for […]