Wickiup Junction in La Pine is an icon for many of us old-timers in La Pine – many of us remember the bill board “Norm has Worms” bringing in the fishermen on their way to the lake into the store. Throughout the years the store has gone through major and subtle changes.
The most recent change that I personally notice is the DOUGHNUTS. Yep homemade doughnuts, in La Pine Oregon (they have a deli too). These doughnuts are melt in your mouth goodness. I have to sometimes avoid going into the store because I know the temptation will be too great.
I remember the day I discovered these doughnuts were truly homemade and made on site. It was a cold morning, I was heading to the office and needed a coffee to go – so I stopped in – the entire store was filled with the aroma of glazed doughnuts. Yep I bought one for the ride. These doughnuts are Big, Fluffy and Oh so good.
If you have not stopped in lately you should – ummm now I am hungry, wonder if Mike will go on a Doughnut run.
I was hungry for them just looking at your pictures, then after I read your post my mouth is watering and I live so far away. Next time I’m over there I will have to stop – thanks for the great review.
Mike went up and bought a dozen – they were awesome – the kids really enjoyed the banana strawberry ones 🙂
I can tell by looking at them they are home made and yummy lol. I’ll take a jelly glazed, please. So much better than chain treats.
they are more than yummy – they are amazing
I’m with Betty, I wish I was closer to Wickiup Junction but then again maybe not. Tell us more about “Norm has Worms”
Thanks so much for the compliments, I wanted to do something that La Pine didn’t have and I already had a captive audiance coming into the store, so why not hit them in the face with a cabinet full of yummy donuts soon as they walk in, I wanted to make really good ones like the ones I grew up on, so after weeks of googling I figured it out and implemented it. After a few trials and errors we have great donut makers now and pretty much have it figured out and turn out the best donuts everyday that I’m very proud of! April 1st will be our first year since we rolled out our first donut and it looks to me like we have a hit and hopefully it will only get better and better as time goes on.
I love the end result and have to resist stopping in because the waistline grows to rapidly already 🙂