Sunriver owners are getting ready to vote on the land purchase for the Village at Sunriver. In the past I have tried to stay somewhat natural and see both sides of this controversial subject. The mall certainly needs help, retail space stands vacant, and businesses come and go. Tonight I read the Land Sale Issues from the blog and they bring to the surface some very enlightening issues. The new plan does require additional land and to achieve SilverStar’s plan they need this land. However, this land belongs to all the owners of Sunriver. What is a fair price? And where will any of the funds once paid go? Do they benefit the entire community?
Ballots will be arriving and are due in February – before voting I hope that owners will research exactly what they are agreeing to or disagreeing to. This is more than the issue of highrise condos, improvement to The Village; it is a matter of loosing land that was intended to be used for the common good of the Sunriver Community.
Changes are inevitable, but are you willing to give up something as valuable as the land they are asking for at a price some feel is not fair? This land in question belongs to you, please do your homework and know what you are giving up and what you will receive from the sale of this land.
The ball is in the court of the homeowner’s, and although many agree that something needs to be done at what cost? What are you willing to give up to make the mall a better place?
To better prepare yourself to vote the two websiites below may be helpful.
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