Many times a buyer will find the perfect home and it just needs a some fixes – these home can be purchased with a 203k FHA loan. Although these loans can be tricky and the buyer, agent, lender and yes even the seller should be aware of the process they can be done. Half the […]
Can The Seller Pay My Closing Costs
Different loan programs have different requirements, but almost all allow for the seller to pay part or all of your closing costs. This is one of the many details you should discuss with your agent and your lender prior to writing an offer. This does have an impact on your offer and does need to […]
7 Things To Consider Before Writing YOUR Offer
Contingencies are found in almost every real estate sale. Some are pre-written into the contract some you should consider prior to writing an offer on your dream home are;
As you can see there are items to consider when purchasing a Central Oregon home that a local REALTOR would know. Real Estate is Local – and I am here to be your Central Oregon REALTOR.