Tough times have hit every age group in America, many of the seniors who have worked for years to pay off their homes are facing the same doom and gloom as many younger folks that purchased at the height of the market. Families are moving in with each other often to try and make ends […]
Short Sale Seller's Do Your Home Work
More and more short sales are closing successfully as of late. My personal opinion is that the banks have finally found ways to at least attempt to process the volume they are seeing and that sellers and real estate professionals are educating themselves on what works and what does not. A short sale is a […]
Three Basic Requirements For A Short Sale
Listing your home as a short sale is a very easy task, but when you do make sure your agent knows how to negotiate a short sale. As a CDPE (Certified Distressed Property Expert) I have had additional training in dealing with Short Sales, helping direct you the home owner to loan modification programs, deed in lieu of foreclosure and many options you may not be aware of.