Many awesome Central Oregon Homes have sat on the market and not sold. Many of them have had some good showings yet buyers have purchased other homes. In today’s real estate market the competition is tough. As a seller, you might consider hiring a home staging expert. Lime Design is a company based in Central Oregon, the services offered range from simple consultation to full staging.
Central Oregon sellers have resisted these kinds of services for a long time, so if you are willing to invest a little into the sale your home can and will stand out above the rest.
Recently I read two different articles from other REALTORS® that had to do with some of the same things. The first is Betty Jung, she wrote Tips to Get Your Home Sold and talked about the importance of staging. Many of our buyers come from the area that Betty works, Portland. So, if your buyer is accustom to a home being staged and sees several that are not and yours is- what do you think that buyer would think of your home.
A second article that I read was written by Dena Stevens. Dena is a REALTOR® in the Pueblo, Colorado area. Pueblo has a lot of similarities to Central Oregon, after reading Dena’s blog for a while I am amazed by the number of similarities. Dena’s recent article is about putting your nic naks away, and her title was pretty catchy too – Real Estate, Gun Collections and Barf Bags.
So, what do you say Central Oregon Sellers – is it now the time to start doing some staging and get a few more of these homes sold while we have buyers in town? Still not convinced, check out this video.
Thanks for plugging my site,I do appreciate it. And as you mentioned Central Oregon and Southern Colorado do have much in common.
Yes there does seem to be a lot of similarities – I am sure we will find more along the path.
Great points Thesa! I totally believe in the power of staging. Buyers need to see how a home can be lived in. If you’re moving anyway, it’s time to start packing things up.
Meredith – the stager I highlighted is in Bend, I spoke with her and she seems pretty awesome – she has a wide range of services and is very personable, I would encourage you to check her out for your clients.