I have written several times of the importance of using a local REALTOR® when buying in Sunriver or any other planned community. Sunriver has a strict set of CC&Rs that dectate everything from where your house number is to the color of your roofing.
Many of the homes in Sunriver do not comply to the CC&Rs of Sunriver. Sunriver Owners Association (SROA) does not go around looking for violations generally, but they do have the right to. When purchasing a home in Sunriver having the SROA inspect the exterior and the landscaping of your property can save you a lot of head aches when the time comes time to sell.
Today I received a call from a seller who is in contract – with a buyer the seller’s agent is out of town and I am covering for her in her absence. The seller had just received their copy of the SROA inspection. They were shocked by the items that were out of compliance on their own home.
When they purchased the home 4 years ago they assumed that the property was in compliance. For some reason when they purchased they did not have an inspection done. The sellers had replaced the hot tub, they rebuilt the decks and painted the home. They did this all with the assumption that they were following the rules and regulations.
However, some of the items such as the hot tub was never approved by the SROA. Now they have a contract and they are finding that they will most likely have to bring the home into compliance to get to the closing table.
Items that are often found on an SROA inspection can be as minor as having the house number under a light and in a contrasting color to the serious ones of encroachments.
I have seen sellers have to create and get approved landscape plans, build hot tub screens, add a path to the garbage enclosure and so on.
Having this inspection completed is only half the battle, having an agent that understands the CC&Rs of Sunriver is the other half. Any item discovered on the report is fixable, knowing the procedures to get the home into compliance is just as important as knowing what needs to be done.
When you begin your search for your Sunriver Home be sure you use a REALTOR® that knows the area, knows the procedures and will protect your interest, you will be thankful when you sell in the future.
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