Local Rule, Nitrates and now a March Vote and all the while I have tried to be professional and make sure my clients know what this all means to them. This weekend while browsing through the Bend Bulletin (notice I did not give them a link) online I stumbled across an article about a couple that had been renting a home in the La Pine area.
The story went on to say that in South Deschutes County we have no resources – that living in La Pine can mean all kinds of trouble for you. The story was supposed to be about a renter that could not get some repairs done, a property management company that was trying to satisfy both the tenant and the home owner – and apparently a home owner and property management company that did not get the job done.
Then in the middle of the article was a paragraph that had nothing to do with the article and was full of mis-information. This paragraph stated that La Pine has nitrates in the water, it smells funny, tastes funny and is making people sick.
Now, I have been drinking the water right out of the tap in La Pine since about 1969 (now granted I probably drink more diet coke than water but I still use a lot of water) and not once have I been sick from my water. In all my years of selling real estate and assisting in the sales of real estate I have never seen a water test come back with above allowable nitrates. I have heard of a couple over the years but they are far and few between with an explanation generally.
I was shocked by the blanket statement this stupid journalist made – but more than that I was shocked that anyone could truly believe this was even a partial truth.
I beg of you – before you vote on the “Nitrate Issue” or “Local Rule” or any other label you put on this issue please know what your are voting for. A NO vote is what I am going to cast – and personally I think it is what will save our STATE – oh yeah they tell you this is a La Pine issue… it is a Southern Deschutes Issue – but mark my words – this will become a State issue in no time.
Vote No on Local Rule –
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