Although as your Buyer’s Agent I would like you to have spoken to a lender prior to finding your dream home the time will come when you need to apply for your home loan. So, what do you need to apply for the loan? Jason with Home Loan Ninjas is here to tell us what you will need and some of the why you will need these items.
A couple of the items that buyers generally have difficulty providing properly are; bank statements, taxes and pay stubs. Now, let me explain – your bank statements, they need to be real bank statements and many of us have gone to paperless banking – having a spread sheet or printing your online banking will not work for your home loan. You need to to to your online banking and go to the actual statement – a statement will include your name, account number and usually an address… this is something the UNDERWRITER will want.
Taxes kind of follow the same issue as bank statements many of us have gone to electronic filing of our taxes and we have a copy of what was filed, but it is not signed – when you provide your taxes they will need your signature.
Pay stubs that is easy – the lender will want your most current pay stubs all the way till closing – so keep them handy… now let’s hear what Jason has to say to us today.
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Jason or James – your Home Loan Ninjas at 503.799.4112 or you can visit their website and see more info about mortgages and what you should expect.
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