In Central Oregon our most common riverfront properties are found on the Big Deschutes and Little Deschutes Rivers. Both of these rivers are regulated by a series of dams the largest being the dam that holds back the water for Wickiup Reservoir. A common question from buyers looking at river front property in La Pine, […]
How Does Your Home Garden Grow?
Gardening is more than a popular trend, it’s also just plain fun to grow food at your home. Touted as a step towards self sufficiency, gardening can save you money and has other perks, such as the fact that homegrown veggies and herbs simply taste better. If you’re a novice gardener but would still like […]
Choosing Paint by Light Direction
Light exposure in your room plays a large part in the visual drama of your paint colors. In rooms with multi-directional sun exposure—either opposing (east/west or north/south) or perpendicular (north/west, north/east, south/west, south/east)—the play of light over your walls, reflecting off your ceiling or bouncing off the floor can change the appearance of the paint […]
Do I Want to Buy with Cash?
According to Market Watch, 43% of homebuyers in 2014 so far have purchased with all cash. While some analysts believe that the cash-buying frenzy will not last, there is always more room for negotiation when the buyer brings cash to the table. When it comes to buying a home in a hot real estate market, […]
NAHB Reports Importance of MID on Your Home
There’s been lots of talk of mortgage rates and tax credits and cuts in the news lately and it can be hard to understand how it all applies to you and your home. A recent analysis by economists at the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) on the mortgage interest deduction (MID) delves into how […]
Tips For Upgrading Kitchen Flooring in Your Home
The kitchen is the heart of your home, literally as well as figuratively. That means it’s a room in need of a sturdy floor that can cope with spills, dropped dishes, and stomping feet (even if the feet are small). It’s also a room that has a lot of foot traffic and may even the […]
Small Changes Look Big in Your Home
Maybe when you bought your home, you dreamed of growing old there. You envisioned future generations coming to visit and saw yourself establishing lifelong neighborhood friends. However, as much as you still love it, over time, your home may have gotten a little worn in areas. Perhaps you’ve just noticed changes in styles and decorating […]
Are You Aware of Your Home Mortgage Options
Have you considered refinancing your home lately? If so, you are not alone. According to the Freddie Mac Quarterly Refinance Report, many homeowners throughout the United States lowered monthly mortgage payments, shortened the length of their loans, and utilized fixed mortgage rates in the second quarter of 2013. Historically low home loan rates assisted in […]
Your Home and Generational Home Buying Trends
While your home is unique and a reflection of you and your lifestyle, when it comes to home buying, as with most things, societal trends are noted through at-large studies and statistics, not individual results. Study pools are often segmented by age and the National Association of Realtors® (NAR) just released the results of their […]
Maintain the Plumbing in Your Home Before Guests Arrive
There are many great things about owning your home, but dealing with plumbing problems is not one of them, especially as holidays approach. The good news is that there are several simple and inexpensive steps you can take to keep plumbing problems — and expensive calls to the plumber — to a minimum. A sprayer hose in […]