Today Buyers and Sellers alike are hearing these terms more and more which bring more questions than answers most of the time. There are many misunderstandings of what these terms mean and what the process is or can be. The current real estate market is one that even veterans of 40 plus years have never seen before. Let’s explore what these mean here locally and have a glimpse of what they may mean in other areas.
Great Bank Owned Homes In Central Oregon
Looking at the bank owned homes in La Pine, Sunriver and Three Rivers South it seems that the numbers may be growing a little. Many of the homes that are priced well are still available this week. Although winter generally brings slower sales, recent bank owned sales have continued no matter what the weather. Many […]
Tax Credit Deadline Approaching
I am amazed at how many people are totally unaware of what the tax credit is and how helpful it can be to a home buyer. The current home buyer tax credit does not just benefit the first time home buyer but any homebuyer. Below is a quick list of qualifications for the home buyer […]
The Bank Owned Home – Multiple Offers?
Tips on purchasing a bank owned home in Central Oregon, call Thesa Chambers, Broker, ABR, CDPe – RE/MAX Sunset Realty 541-771-7064
Drake Park, Bend Oregon
Drake Park is located on the banks of The Big Deschutes River. Many of the community events in Bend Oregon happen at Drake Park. Sitting on the edge of the Downtown area with historic homes Drake Park is not only a beautiful place but it is also almost the town square of Bend. Often times […]
The $8000 First Time HomeBuyer Tax Credit
There is a lot of information circulating about the First Time Home Buyer Tax Credit of up to $8,000 that is included in the Stimulus Bill, including using it for down payment. First of all, at the present moment in time, it cannot be used for the down payment, even though the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Shaun Donovan, said it would be available in a recent speech to the National Association of REALTORS®.
Central Oregon Short Sale Facts
Many of the agents in Central Oregon had no idea what a short sale was or how to successfully market them, not to mention what to do once they had an offer.
Local Rule – The Nitrate Study – By Leon Shields
Back when all this hocus pocus started with our elected officials and the citizens of Southern Deschutes County were invited to Community forums – this article appeared with several others – I wonder why these facts are being pushed aside and NO one knows – this vote goes County Wide…. please educate yourself – your […]
Proposed System Development Charges
SDCs in Bend will top $20,000 per house. That is approaching 10 percent of the price of an average house. The lack of affordable housing in Bend is a chronic and well documented problem. The continual ratcheting up of SDCs and other land use and building fees exacerbates that problem. The proposed doubling of the SDC during an historically slow housing market is more than bad judgment. It’s a harsh blow to our local economy and the dreams of people looking to purchase a new home.
Helping YOU Buy a Bank Owned Property
Many people have the misconception that people do not buy homes in Central Oregon in the winter time. January sales have always shown that to be a misunderstanding. This year it should be proven again to be wrong, Buyers This is a Perfect Time to Buy your Central Oregon Home. Many of the homes for […]