Caldera Springs is one of Central Oregon’s newest resorts.
There are still a few lots under $300,000 with great incentives for the buyer. Including a few lots that have an owner carry for 3 years.
Crosswater is located across the street and one of the wonderful incentives is a discounted Crosswater Golf Membership.
One particular lot is currently on resale, (Lot 106 on Dancing Rock Loop) is curently listed lower than the phase I pricing it was purchased for. Currently offered at $365,000 originally purchased for $425,000. This lot has a great Mt. Bachelor and golf course view is close to the Lakehouse and Obsidian Lake.
Click Here For a Detailed Report of the Property 106-dancing-rock-lp-mls-printout.pdf
For a complete list of lots currently for sale please click here caldera-lots.pdf
For a complete list of homes currently for sale please click here homes-caldera-springs.pdf
Please contact me for a complete list of incentives and programs available to buyers in Caldera Springs.
All this beauty and a buyer incentive to boot? Who needs an incentive to enjoy this year round. -Paula