You’ve found the perfect home at the perfect price and made an offer that the sellers accepted. But, the appraisal came back lower than your offer. BUMMER! What do you do now? Any home financed through a bank or mortgage lender requires an appraisal to protect them against originating a loan is upside-down (the loan […]
Backyard July 4th Celebration!
Celebrate your new home with a backyard barbecue! Nothing speaks independence like owning your own home. If you’ve rented for most of your adult life, the freedom to paint walls, barbecue on the patio or hang party lights in trees is a special feeling. As July 4 rolls around, here are some ideas to celebrate […]
Relocating Made Simple
Okay, there’s really not a simple way to relocate … after all, you’re uprooting yourself, moving away from friends or family or both, leaving your comfort zone and launching out into the world. But, there are some things you can do to make it less stressful for yourself and your family. Each year, nearly 20 […]
Marketing Your Home Out-of-Town, Out-of-State, Out-of-Country
In a tough sellers’ market, homeowners looking for the best possible sale sometimes consider marketing to out-of-town, out-of-state and even out-of-country buyers. So, how do you attract buyers from out of your area? Relocation Services Statistically, homes most often sell to local buyers. But if you are in a prime growth area with new industry […]
When to DIY and When to Hire a Contractor
Whether you’re preparing your home to sell, or you’ve just moved into your home and want to tackle some of the changes you have in mind to make it your own … knowing which items to do your self and which need a professional licensed contractor can save you from costly mistakes. If you are […]
Making a Move to a New Home with Kids
Amidst the excitement of moving to a new home is a lot of stress for families with younger children. Often they don’t understand what is happening. That can make them feel powerless and afraid. Here are some ideas for turning those stressors into an adventure for your little ones. Involve children in decisions House-hunting with […]
Don't Think of Your Home as an Investment…What?
Isn’t that sacrilegious or something? Despite evidence to the contrary, new homebuyers continue to believe that buying a home is the same type of investment as stocks, bonds, CDs and their 401K. If the housing boom taught us anything, it is that the purchase of the house you plan to live in should not be […]
Easy Update: Chalky Painted Kitchen Cabinets
If you’re hesitant to purchase an older home because you don’t love the kitchen or bathroom cabinets and the idea of having to sand all of that wood makes you cringe, fear not … chalk paint to the rescue. You haven’t heard of chalk paint? Well, here’s the scoop: The original “chalk paint” (a trademarked […]
What a Credit Score Really Means
As one of the least understood numbers homebuyers deal with, their credit score confuses many would-be buyers. So, what does your credit score really mean? Firstly, understand that a credit score is not a credit score is not a credit score. Not only can your score change from scoring company to scoring company, within a […]
Need an Air Conditioner But Don't Have Ducts?
As scorching or humid summer days approach, you may be second-guessing the purchase of that vintage or historic home you’ve had your eye on. In fact, in many places homes as new as 15 to 20 years may not have air conditioning. If your home doesn’t have ductwork and is missing the attic, basement or […]